How to close a plastic window if it has not opened correctly?

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When a plastic window does not close, what should you do? The handle does not turn all the way down? This situation requires an immediate solution, since not only the ease of use of the window is disrupted, but also the heat-saving functions of the room. In this article, we will look at methods to correct this problem and discuss in detail the step-by-step repair process.

Plastic windows have become an indispensable element of a modern home due to their heat and sound insulation qualities. But what to do if the window is plastic and the handle from the ventilation mode is stuck? The first thing to do is to determine whether the window is open in two positions, which is why the mechanism is blocked. Our guide will help you identify and eliminate the causes of such malfunctions.

Causes of difficulty closing a window

Wear of the handle mechanism

Constant use of the window handle can lead to its wear. Sometimes the question arises, how to fix a plastic window if it opened in two positions and the handle does not turn? In this case, it is necessary to carefully inspect the mechanism for visible mechanical damage or signs of wear and, if necessary, refer to the lubrication or adjustment procedure.

Deformation of the window frame

The window frame can be deformed for a number of reasons, which can also affect the functionality of the window. The plastic window does not open completely, but only for ventilation, what to do in such a situation? The answer is simple: you should check the shape of the frame and sash, and if they have lost their original geometry, you need to correct them or contact a specialist.

Damage to fittings

Damage to fittings can be caused by accidental impacts or even manufacturing defect. Such defects directly indicate the need for maintenance or replacement of elements.

Step-by-step guide to fixing the problem

Visual inspection and initial diagnostics

Before starting repairs, you should conduct a thorough inspection of the window . Pay special attention to the mechanism of the handle and the appropriateness of its fixation in the “closed” and “ventilation” positions. If the handle is stuck in one of these two positions, additional steps will be required to return it to full working condition.

Inspect for obvious damage

Includes inspection for visible deformation and inspection , whether the handle is standing between modes, which prevents its full rotation.

Assessing the condition of seals and fittings

It will allow you to determine whether the mechanism is “stuck” due to worn or damaged elements.

Checked elementsStateComment
Double-glazed windowIntegrityNo cracks
Frame and sashNo defectsNo visible damage
SealsIntegrityElasticity preserved
FittingsNo wearRuns smoothly

Lubricating the mechanism

Lubricating the mechanism helps solve the problem when The plastic window does not close completely, and the handle does not turn all the way. Use high-quality lubricants designed specifically for window fittings to restore smooth operation of the mechanism.

Adjusting and tuning window fittings

If the handle does not turn after lubricating the mechanism, adjustment of the fittings will be required.

When it’s time to contact a specialist

If all attempts to repair a window yourself fail or you doubt your abilities, then turning to a professional service is inevitable. Professionals will be able to quickly and accurately determine the cause of the malfunction and eliminate it with a guarantee for the work performed. Do not forget that some problems require professional intervention, especially if:

  • Repair requires complete dismantling of window fittings.
  • There is serious damage or deformation of the frame.
  • There is a risk of breaking the tightness of the double-glazed window.

Preventing problems with windows: tips for care and maintenance

Regular care of plastic windows

Taking care of Maintaining your windows can significantly extend their service life and prevent many problems. It is important to carry out the following procedures:

  1. Regularly clean the rubber seals and profiles from dirt and dust using a soft cloth and a neutral cleaning solution.
  2. Inspect and, if necessary, lubricate the fittings two times a year to prevent wear and jamming.

Proper operation of window fittings

Compliance with operating instructions is the key to the longevity of the fittings. Do not put excessive loads on the handles and do not try to close the window if you notice that the handle turns with force.


The importance of solving the problem of difficulty closing a window should not be underestimated. Violation of tightness leads to heat loss, drafts and increased heating costs. By following our recommendations, you will be able to detect and fix problems in a timely manner, and also ensure reliable and long-term operation of your plastic windows.

Frequently asked questions

Question: What to do if plastic The window does not open completely. but only for ventilation, what should I do?
Try lubricating the fittings with a special compound. If this does not help, adjust the hinges and locks or seek help from a specialist.

Question: Is it possible to repair a window if it opens only in ventilation mode?
Yes , first check the position of the handle and the presence of visible obstacles. If the sash does not move to the normal position for closing, the fittings may need to be adjusted or repaired.

Question: Why is it important to promptly resolve problems with plastic windows?
Window malfunction may lead to increased energy consumption, penetration of moisture and drafts, which will negatively affect the comfortable indoor climate.

Question: How to choose a service for repairing plastic windows?
Look for a company with good reviews and reputation, which provides a guarantee for its services. Do not hesitate to ask questions about the qualifications of the technicians and the cost of the work.

Question: How to prevent problems with windows from recurring in the future?
Carry out regular window maintenance, which includes cleaning and lubrication of fittings, checking seals and timely adjustment of window elements.