How to treat a new cast iron frying pan before use: at home, with your own hands

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A cast iron frying pan is an integral element of kitchen utensils, which is famous for its durability and ability to distribute heat evenly. But before you start using your new cast iron frying pan, you need to treat it properly. This process is called “frying” or “dressing” and consists of creating a protective non-stick layer on the surface of the pan that will prevent rusting and impart non-stick properties.

However, the question arises, how to properly prepare a cast iron frying pan for use before its first use? The main purpose of this article is to answer this question and teach you how to independently prepare a cast iron frying pan for the first time at home.

The history and popularity of cast iron frying pans

The use of cast iron cookware goes back to deep past. Our great-grandfathers also valued cast iron for its unique culinary and operational properties. In the modern world, despite the emergence of new materials, cast iron frying pans do not lose their popularity. After all, they are able to withstand high temperatures and last tens of times longer than their more modern counterparts. Before using such cookware for the first time, it is important to know how to prepare a cast iron frying pan for first use at home in order to maximize its potential.

Pros and cons of cast iron cookware

The main advantages of cast iron frying pans are their ability retain heat and distribute it evenly. Cast iron is distinguished by its insensitivity to temperature changes, which allows the pans to be used over an open fire, in the oven, and even on induction cookers. Disadvantages include significant weight and susceptibility to corrosion without proper care, as well as the need to regularly renew the protective non-stick layer.

Preparing a cast iron frying pan for the first use at home

Importance of processing cast iron frying pans before use

Before you start using a cast iron frying pan, it is extremely important to properly treat it. This process will help keep your dishes healthy and tasty, extend the life of your cookware and make them almost impervious to rust and damage. In addition, to understand how to prepare a cast iron frying pan for the first use at home, it is necessary to study in detail all stages of the procedure, from initial cleaning to processing on a gas stove.

Tools and materials necessary for processing

To start processing a new cast iron frying pan, you will need the specified tools and materials. Please note: Do not use a dishwasher, abrasives or metal brushes for processing, as they can damage the surface of the frying pan.

Step-by-step instructions for processing a cast iron frying pan

Cleaning a frying pan from factory protection

First of all, a new cast iron frying pan must be thoroughly washed to remove the factory protective film, which is often applied to the dishes to prevent corrosion during storage and transportation. Use a soft sponge and cleaning solution, then rinse and dry the pan thoroughly.

The Pan Frying Process

Here are the steps you need to follow to successfully prepare your cast iron skillet. Don’t forget that knowing how to season a cast iron skillet before using it for the first time on a gas stove will come in handy if you don’t prefer to use the oven for this process.

  1. Preheat the oven to 250-280°C. Temperatures may vary depending on your oven and the pan manufacturer’s recommendations.
  2. While the oven is heating, thoroughly grease your cast iron skillet with vegetable oil. Use kitchen paper for this, paying attention to all corners and the handle.

Preheating step

Place the pan over medium heat on the stove and wait until the oil starts to smoke slightly if your the choice is the process of seasoning on the stove.

The stage of saturating the surface with oil

After the frying pan is well heated, evenly and carefully distribute the oil over its surface.

Stage baking butter

Place the pan in the preheated oven for 1 hour. Then turn off the oven and let the frying pan cool inside it.

As a result of these operations, a protective layer is formed on the surface of the cast-iron frying pan, which will serve as reliable protection and prevent food from burning.

Care tips taking care of a cast iron frying pan after its first use

First of all, let’s look at how to care for a cast iron frying pan after its first use, so that it serves you faithfully for many years. The basis for successful care is regular and proper cleaning, as well as constant maintenance of the dressing layer on the surface of the pan.

SeasoningAfter first use, season the pan by coating it with a thin layer of oil and placing it in the oven.
Avoid washing with soapDo not wash your cast iron skillet using soap as it may disrupt the seasoning. Use hot water and a brush.
Dry immediatelyImmediately after washing, dry the pan thoroughly to prevent rust.
Store ProperlyStore your cast iron skillet in a dry place. Place a paper towel between pans when storing them to avoid scratches.
Occasional OilingOil the inside periodically to maintain seasoning and prevent rust formation.

Cleaning and storing a cast iron frying pan

A cast iron frying pan should be cleaned after each use. Use warm water and a soft sponge or brush. We recommend wiping the surface of the pan dry after washing to prevent rusting. When starting storage, it is best to store a cast iron frying pan in a dry cabinet, placing a piece of paper or cloth on its surface to avoid dust and moisture.

Common mistakes in caring for cast iron

The most A common mistake when caring for a cast iron skillet is using soap and harsh abrasives to clean, which can remove the coating and damage the nonstick surface. Constant care and minimal use of detergents will help maintain the quality of your pan.

Conclusion: Key Points to Effectively Treat a Cast Iron Pan

Remember the basic steps we discussed:

  1. Before first use, it is necessary to clean the pan;
  2. Lubricating and baking the oil to form a protective layer;
  3. Regular cleaning and proper storage of the pan;
  4. Avoiding frequent mistakes in care, such as using soap.

To summarize: proper preparation and care of a cast iron frying pan is the key to long-term use and preservation of its best qualities. By taking these tips into account, you will ensure that your frying pan has a long life and cooking pleasure.

Frequently asked questions

Question 1: Do I need to clean my frying pan after each use?
Answer: Yes, after each use the frying pan should be cleaned with warm water without detergents and wiped dry.

Question 2: Can a cast iron frying pan be used on a glass-ceramic stove?
Answer: You can, but be careful and avoid sudden temperature changes so as not to damage the surface of the stove.

Question 3: How often should you “calcinate” the pan?
> Answer: It is advisable to carry out the calcination procedure every time if you notice that the non-stick layer has begun to fade or burning of food has become a frequent occurrence.

Question 4: Is it possible to fry in a cast iron frying pan without using oil or fat?
Answer: If the pan is well seasoned, then it is possible. However, for most dishes it is still recommended to use a little fat to improve the taste and prevent burning.

Question 5: Is cast iron good for cooking sour dishes?
Answer: Cast iron is not the best choice for acidic foods such as tomatoes or wine, which can destroy the protective layer and give dishes a metallic taste. Use a different type of cookware for such purposes.